Instruction RCA ver 2.0
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Recommended installation method


In order to provide optimum performance, your magnetic connector must be installed as described below.
Although there are several ways to use it, here is the only effective recommended method that allows both to play its role of disconnection point and protection against short circuits (short)

In order to provide optimum performance, your magnetic connector must be installed as described below.


Although there are several ways to use it, here is the only effective recommended method that allows both to play its role of disconnection point and protection against short circuits.


Protection against short circuits


The male part (Fig. 1) of your magnetic connector must always point in the direction of the power source (the power source being your snowmobile or Quad). This method will protect your installation against any short-circuit that may occur if the magnetic part encounters the frame of your machine.


Disconnection point


The connector is designed for maximum efficiency when installed straight (fig.3). So, if you installed it directly on the machine, we recommend the use a 90 degree connection in which the magnetic connector will be disconnected.


Wrap up your RCA connections


To make sure that your magnetic connector will play its role,

We recommend that you wrap (electrical tape) all your connections (other than magnetic part) to be sure that the disconnection will be done with the magnetic connectors.


We recommend that you tape your RCA connections to be sure that the disconnection will be done with the magnetic connectors.


We recommend that you tape your RCA connections to be sure that the disconnection will be done with the magnetic connectors.

Fig. 1
